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1:1 nutrition​

It's personal, it's supportive and it works.


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One-to-one nutrition support includes:

Food diary analysis

This is really helpful for you and also gives me an honest insight into your current food habits. We'll celebrate what's working well and chat about how improvements can be made to get you towards your goals.

Weekly phone chats

Arranged for a time convenient for the both of us & around 20-30mins. We'll talk about what can be changed, what the benefits would be and, more importantly, how these changes fit into your life (so they're doable!).

Each week is a chance to reflect and be open to receiving support

WhatsApp messaging is also included.


Based in individual requirements.

£65 per month 

(Option to pay in instalments)

"Working with Emma on my nutrition has been the best money I've invested in myself and my family in ages.

I've learnt so much about my habits, about how to fuel my body properly and most importantly, how to break negative cycles I'd learnt in relation to food

She's taught me how I can enjoy the food I love and still stay healthy at the same time. As a busy working mum, Emma just 'get's it' and I felt in such safe hands. 

In a month I've gone from feeling yuck about myself, to being confident enough to join my kids in the water at the beach - that's all down to what I've learnt from Emma"

S.M - 1:1 support for 1 month

One-to-one nutrition support can be life-changing.

Most of us know how we could live a healthier life, the foods we should eat more of or less of, but the reality of doing these things is hard.

Real life is busy, emotional, exciting, stressful and full of social events like birthdays, holidays and weddings that can throw us off track. Keeping up with 'healthy habits' is the challenging part and when we're already pretty exhausted, it can feel impossible.

I'm here to help you prioritise your health in ways that work in real busy life

It's personal, it's supportive and it works.

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